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Die Designer-Gesichtsmaske Partikelfiltrierend von Altruan, die dem FFP2-Standard entspricht, verfügt über ein modisches Design in Pastellfarben mit Blasen und abstrakten Mustern. Diese Maske bietet wirksamen Schutz mit bequemen Ohrschlaufen und wird auf einem schlichten weißen Hintergrund angezeigt, um ihre stilvollen Eigenschaften hervorzuheben.
Eine Packung Altruan Designer Gesichtsmaske Partikelfiltrierend (FFP2-Standard) im Design „Venus Goddess of Love“ bietet wirksamen Schutz. Die Verpackung ist überwiegend rosa mit abstrakten Illustrationen und entspricht dem FFP2-Standard. Im Inneren befinden sich 10 Masken, eine davon zeigt ein modisches Blumenmuster.
FFP2 mask

Altruan designer face mask particle filtering (FFP2 standard) | Pack (10 masks)


$2.45 $2.45

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $2.45 USD
Sales price $7.70 USD
Die partikelfiltrierende Mund-Nasen-Schutzmaske Air Queen CE2163 hat ein weißes Design mit sichtbaren Ohrschlaufen und dem seitlich aufgedruckten Text „Air QUEEN“. Sie ist aus flexiblem, atmungsaktivem Material gefertigt und mit einem Nano-Faser-Filter ausgestattet.
Das Bild zeigt die Verpackung eines partikelfiltrierenden Mund-Nasen-Schutzes CE2163 von Air Queen und hebt die Nano-Faser-Filtertechnologie hervor, die ein leichtes, atmungsaktives Design und eine ergonomische Passform gewährleistet. Die Etiketten bestätigen die Einhaltung der Normen EN 149:2001 + A1:2009, die CE-Zertifizierung und die FDA-Registrierung.
FFP2 mask

Air queen particle-filtering mouth-nose protection CE2163-1 piece | Pack (1 mask)

SKU: 10072

$1.07 $1.07

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $1.07 USD
Sales price $0.53 USD
FFP2-MAske Filternde Halbmaske
FFP2 mask

SEGA MASK FFP2 - 20s White - CE2841 - Pack | Pack (20 masks)

SKU: TF-200122-P

$3.98 $3.98

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $3.98 USD
Sales price $19.99 USD
FFP2 Maske ohne Ventil
FFP2 mask

Leikang® FFP2 NR respiratory protection mask, without valve - 1 piece

SKU: LK-32241

$0.19 $0.19

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $0.19 USD
Sales price $19.99 USD
Eine Schachtel mit schwarzen chirurgischen Gesichtsmasken Meditrade Suavel® Protec OP-Maske 50 Stück. Diese Einmalmundschutzmasken sind dreilagig, für das Tragen mit Ohrschlaufen vorgesehen und verfügen über eine Bakterienfiltereffizienz Typ II. Auf der Schachtel ist angegeben, dass sie 50 Masken enthält, und sie enthält Produktreferenznummern und Herstellungsinformationen der Meditrade GmbH.
Eine Schachtel mit schwarzen chirurgischen Gesichtsmasken Meditrade Suavel® Protec OP-Maske 50 Stück. Diese Einmalmundschutzmasken sind dreilagig, für das Tragen mit Ohrschlaufen vorgesehen und verfügen über eine Bakterienfiltereffizienz Typ II. Auf der Schachtel ist angegeben, dass sie 50 Masken enthält, und sie enthält Produktreferenznummern und Herstellungsinformationen der Meditrade GmbH.
Mund-nose protection

Meditrade Suavel® Protec OP mask 50 pieces

SKU: MT-80-904-1

$1.58 $1.58

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $1.58 USD
Sales price $2.49 USD
Washing gloves

Beesana once wash gloves soft | Package (50 gloves)

SKU: MT-3723-50

$2.75 $2.75

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $2.75 USD
Sales price $2.81 USD
Einmal Waschhandschuhe
Washing gloves

Beesana® once wash gloves | Package (50 gloves)

SKU: MT-3725-50

$2.77 $2.77

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $2.77 USD
Sales price $2.83 USD
Exported item
Waschhandschuhe ohne Folie
Washing gloves

Seni Care washing gloves without foil | Pack (50 pieces) Alternative: SE-981-MN50-Z02

SKU: SE-981-MYJK-002

$4.09 $4.09

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $4.09 USD
Sales price $4.31 USD
Die Jäcklin Medical FFP2 Maske, eine unverzichtbare Schutzausrüstung für medizinisches Personal, wird in einem transparenten Beutel geliefert, auf dem rot-schwarzer Text auf die deutsche Herkunft hinweist. Symbole am unteren Rand heben die verschiedenen Funktionen hervor.
Die Jäcklin Medical FFP2-Maske, ein wichtiges Teil der Schutzausrüstung für medizinisches Personal, ist vor einem einfarbigen Hintergrund abgebildet. Diese weiße Maske hat Ohrschlaufen und auf der Vorderseite ist ein Text mit detaillierten Spezifikationen und Prüfzeichen aufgedruckt.
FFP2 mask

Jäcklin Medical FFP2 Mask - 1 piece | Pack (1 mask)

SKU: JM-AR104447

$0.24 $0.24

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $0.24 USD
Sales price $0.41 USD
Die Altruan SAFE® High-Risk-Maske Atemschutzmaske FFP3 ist eine weiße Partikel-Atemschutzmaske mit elastischem Kopfband und blauem verstellbarem Nasenclip. Das Design umfasst mehrere kleine Perforationen im Nasenbereich und eine einfache Beschriftung auf einer Seite. Erhältlich in einer Packung mit 30 Stück.
Beschreibung: Die Altruan SAFE® High-Risk-Maske Atemschutzmaske FFP3, eine weiße Maske mit blauen Akzenten, ist speziell zum Bedecken von Nase und Mund konzipiert. Mit ihrer markanten eckigen Form und den verstellbaren Ohrschlaufen sorgt diese Maske für Komfort und Sicherheit. Ein kleines aufgedrucktes Etikett mit Text und Symbolen auf einer Seite weist auf die Einhaltung hoher Sicherheitsstandards hin. Erhältlich in einer Packung mit 30 Stück.
Respiratory mask

Safe® high-risk mask breathing protection mask FFP3 | Pack (30 pieces)

SKU: DA-243F

$11.99 $11.99

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $11.99 USD
Sales price $19.99 USD
Eine Packung BeeSana Feuchte Waschhandschuhe mit AloeVera von Meditrade GmbH mit der Aufschrift „Feuchte Waschhandschuhe“ auf Deutsch und Englisch weist ein leuchtend grünes Design mit Wassertropfen- und Blättermotiven auf und enthält 8 Handschuhe.
Washing gloves

Beesana moist washing gloves with Aloevera | Pack (8 pieces)

SKU: MT-3726

$1.55 $1.55

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $1.55 USD
Sales price $1.58 USD
Abgebildet ist ein hellblauer Schaufensterpuppenkopf mit einer weißen Meditrade Respima FFP2 NR Atemschutzmaske | Packung (20 Stück) von Meditrade GmbH mit Ohrschlaufen und einem blauen Nasenstreifen auf weißem Hintergrund.
FFP2 mask

Meditrade Respima FFP2 NR respiratory protection mask | Pack (20 pieces)

SKU: MT-80-856

$5.20 $5.20

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $5.20 USD
Sales price $5.31 USD
Eine Pflegekraft hilft einer älteren Frau im Krankenhausbett. Sie verwenden Schülke esemtan® Waschhandschuhe, 10er Pack | Packung (10 Handschuhe) für die sanfte, wasserlose Ganzkörperreinigung. Im Vordergrund ist die Verpackung der Waschhandschuhe zu sehen. Der Text ist auf Deutsch.
Washing gloves

Schülke Esemtan® washing gloves | Package (10 gloves)

SKU: SM-129701

$4.30 $4.30

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $4.30 USD
Sales price $4.80 USD
Washing gloves

Hartmann Vala® Clean Soft Dashing Gloves - 23 x 15.5 cm

SKU: HM-9922695

$2.55 $2.55

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $2.55 USD
Sales price $2.75 USD
chirurgische Gesichtsmaske
Eine Frau mit zurückgekämmtem hellbraunem Haar, trägt eine Hartmann Foliodress® Chirurgische OP-Maske 50 Stück | Packung (50 Stück) nach EN 14683:2014 und ein blaues Oberteil. Sie blickt lächelnd direkt in die Kamera.
Mund-nose protection

Hartmann Foliess® Surgical OP mask 50 pieces | Pack (50 pieces)

SKU: HM-60000021

$6.37 $6.37

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $6.37 USD
Sales price $6.86 USD
Eine Packung Seni Care Waschhandschuhe von TZMO Deutschland GmbH wird ausgestellt. Auf der Vorderseite sind Produktdetails hervorgehoben, darunter Abmessungen (22,5 x 16 cm), Menge (50 Stück) und ein Bild einer behandschuhten Hand, die einen gefalteten Handschuh aus weichem Vliesstoff hält. Etiketten in mehreren Sprachen betonen den Qualitätsstatus der Pflegeprodukte.
Eine Abbildung zeigt eine Hand, die einen Seni Care Waschhandschuh von TZMO Deutschland GmbH trägt und ein Stück Papier greift. Der Handschuh weist einen Schatteneffekt auf und hat ein minimalistisches Design mit violetten Umrissen auf weißem Hintergrund.
Washing gloves

Seni Care washing gloves, unfortunate | Pack (50 pieces)

SKU: SE-981-MN50-Z02

$4.09 $4.09

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $4.09 USD
Sales price $4.49 USD

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Hygiene & care

Buy cheap care products from Altruan

When it comes to care, there are many different products that can be needed for a certain situation or time period. However, these products are often only used once and then no longer needed.

Single products A variety of advantages offer for care needs. An important advantage of one -off products is that they are hygienic and can reduce a potential source of infections. Disposable products do not have to be cleaned and can simply be disposed of, which saves time and effort. For the disposal of medical disposable products, there are also different discharge containers to avoid contamination with other patients. In addition, one -off products can also help reduce costs by minimizing the use of instrument disinfectants or the purchase of products that can be used multiple uses.

Another advantage of one -off products for the need for care is your convenience. Since they are only used once, they do not have to be kept or stored. This can save space and also minimize the risk of confusion or mistakes. Disposable products are also very easy to use and do not require any special training or knowledge to apply them correctly.

Disposable products are available in many different versions that meet the needs of patients and nursing staff. Examples of this are Disposable, Disposable aprons, bed protection documents, wooden mouth spatula, Kidfishes made of cardboard, Washing gloves and medicine cup. These products can be available in different sizes and materials in order to meet the individual needs of patients.

Disposable products can also help to reduce the risk of cross -contamination in nursing. Since they are only used once, there is no possibility that you will contact other patients or objects and thus transfer bacteria or viruses. This is particularly important in medical facilities in which the risk of infections is high.

Disposable products are hygienic, cost -effective, convenient and can minimize the risk of cross contamination. If you are looking for disposable products, you should contact a trustworthy provider to ensure that you receive high quality products that meet your patients' needs.

Washing gloves For hygienic cleaning in the care sector

Tedosive washing gloves are an important component in the care sector because they offer a safe and hygienic method to wash patients. Once gloves are a hygienic alternative for personal hygiene in the care sector and ensure the minimization of contamination with other patients. These gloves are designed in such a way that they offer a high level of protection and hygiene and minimize the risk of infections. They can simply be disposed of, which reduces the risk of cross contamination and prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.

Another advantage of one -off water gloves is that you save time. Since they are only used once, they do not have to be washed or sterilized, which saves time and energy and costs. This is particularly important in the care industry, where time is often tight and every moment counts.

Disposable wash gloves are also a cost -effective option. They are usually cheaper than conventional washing methods and can be bought in large quantities. This is particularly important for care facilities, which often have a large number of patients and have to take care of their budget.

Moist washing gloves can be applied directly from the packaging and do not have to be soap with soap and water, which in turn saves a lot of time. The damp wash gloves are particularly gentle on the skin and suitable for the full body washing in care.

Her Personal protective equipment cheap at altruan.de

An important part of medical protective clothing are disposable gloves. These gloves are worn by medical staff to avoid transmission of germs and infections. Disposable gloves are available in various sizes from XS to XL and materials such as nitrite, latex and vinyl, which are tailored to the needs of medical staff.

Another example of medical protective clothing are Face masks. Face masks protect the medical staff from the transmission of germs, bacteria and viruses through the nose and mouth. There are different types of face masks, such as ordinary op masks or FFP1, 2, and 3 masks that are tailored to the specific needs.

Face-Shields are another example of medical protective clothing. They protect the eyes and face of the medical staff from potentially dangerous substances such as blood, mucus or other liquids.

Protective clothing, including coats and aprons, protects medical staff from contact with potentially dangerous substances. This clothing can also help prevent the spread of germs and infections. After using the protective clothing, it can simply be disposed of what can minimize the spread of germs and prevent the countermination with other patients.

If you buy medical protective clothing, you should make sure that you meet the required safety standards and meet the needs of your facility. Here Find a guide on how to find the right protective equipment for your needs.

Different variations on FFP masks

In addition to the FFP2 masks specially mentioned in everyday life, there are also FFP 1 and FFP 3 masks. A distinction is made here mainly in the area of ​​application and permeability.  According to this, the FFP1 mask has to filter at least 25% of the testa erosole, with the FFP2 mask it is at least 94% and the filter power for the FFP3 mask is even at least 99%.  There are clear prescribed requirements here that are also checked. Whether a particle-filtering mask has passed the detection process can be determined on the CE license plate with a four-digit number on the mask. 

Differentiation in FFP, surgery and fabric masks

One differentiated with Mouth protection Not only between the individual FFP variations, but also between op and fabric masks. A conventional fabric mask has no labeling, since it runs under the term clothing and only protects against droplets when inhaling and the drop in the drop is only reduced and not prevented. In the case of a medical face mask, also called OP mask, the CE marking can be found on the packaging. The surgical mask is used for external protection because it is only slightly protected against aerosols. The FFP2 and 3 mask, on the other hand, completely protects droplets and aerosols and is therefore used for own and external protection. Whether the mask meets the legal requirements can be recognized by the CE marking with a four-digit number on the mask. Certified and approved FFP, and OP masks can be found in different versions of your Altruan Online Shop. In addition to colorful masks or simple whites, we also offer portable FFP and OP masks for children. You can find an illustration for correct use on the Bfarm page.

Areas of application of OP and FFP masks

Wearing a mask is recommended everywhere in places where you can get in touch with health -damaging air particles. For example, for building renovations in which mold spores and asbestos particles can be released. Also in hospitals, not only to protect themselves from pathogens, but also to reduce the risk of infection in people with a weak immune system. 

Since there is a wide variety of regulations in relation to masks, especially in the current Corona pandemic, it is important to always find out about the latest regulations. 

Great variety of protective clothing at your workplace

In some fields of work, they not only exposed themselves to their respiratory tract, but also over their skin and hands. For optimal protection, we recommend the use of protective agents disposable hoods and face shields. You can conveniently find a variety of protective clothing online in Altruan shop Order cheap protective clothing.

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