HPV tests

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Das Bild zeigt eine Schachtel des Pluslife HPV 16/18/45 Nukleinsäure PCR Kontrollkits, ein präzises Kontrollkit von SUNGO Europe B.V. Die Verpackung enthält Kontaktinformationen und Zertifizierungen und zeigt auf der Vorderseite ein Set mit zwei Fläschchen, ideal für genaue Nukleinsäure-PCR-Tests.
Control solution

Pluslife HPV 16/18/45 Nucleic acid PCR control kit | Pack (1 pair)

SKU: MR-CRM1020602-5

Bild einer Pluslife HPV 16/18/45 PCR-Testbox mit einem eleganten rosa-weißen Design, das darauf hinweist, dass sie 10 Tests enthält. Sowohl der Markenname Pluslife als auch Produktdetails sind deutlich auf der Verpackung angegeben, was sie ideal für das Screening auf humane Papillomaviren mit einem molekularen Diagnosesystem macht.
PCR tests

Pluslife HPV 16/18/45 PCR test - 10 test | Pack (10 pieces)

SKU: MR-HPV161845-10

Ein verpacktes Pluslife Kontrolltupfer-Kit zum Nachweis von HPV und STI liegt auf einer blauen Oberfläche. Das Kit enthält einen sterilen Tupfer und ein versiegeltes Fläschchen zur Probenentnahme, wahrscheinlich zum Zwecke der Probenentnahme. Die transparente, rechteckige Verpackung zeigt den Inhalt deutlich an.
Der Pluslife Kontrolltupfer zur Erkennung von HPV und STI, ein für die Probenentnahme unerlässlicher Plastiktupfer mit Baumwollspitze, liegt auf einer blauen Oberfläche.
PCR tests

Pluslife control swab for the detection of HPV and STI | Pack (1 piece)

SKU: MR-95000M

HPV tests: early diagnosis and precise results

Humanes Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Many people are infected with HPV in the course of their lives, often without noticing it. Although most infections are harmless, some virus strains can cause serious diseases such as cervical cancer, other types of cancer or genital warts. An HPV test is therefore an important way to identify the virus early and to minimize the risk of complications. Our guide clarifies in that Article about HPV More precisely on the topic and how you can protect yourself from this invisible danger.

What is HPV and why is a test important?

The Humane Papillomavirus (HPV) comprises over 200 different types, some of whom are so-called high-risk types. These can cause cell changes that can lead to cancer untreated. Women in particular are endangered by HPV cervical cancer, but men can also be affected.

An HPV test enables viral genetic material to be recognized before symptoms occur. In this way, steps can be taken early to protect health. This test is not only a valuable instrument for cancer prevention, but also offers security and clarity for the patients.

HPV tests in the Schnellt Test & Diagnostics category

Our HPV tests Find under the overcategory Fast tests & diagnostics, especially in the area Rapid test. These tests are designed to provide quick and precise results in order to be able to act in good time.

The Pluslife Mini Dock POC-Nat test device: progressive technology for laboratory results

With the Mini Dock Poc-Nat test device from Pluslife Let us rely on the latest technology for the diagnosis of HPV. This innovative test device uses the Isotherm's amplification technologyto recognize viral genetic material - even at small quantities. It offers:

  • Precise results in laboratory quality: Fast and reliable.
  • Detection in different stages: No matter whether an infection is asymptomatic or already shows symptoms.
  • Fast diagnosis times: Ideal for use in medical practices, clinics or laboratories.

Thanks to the innovative technology, health service providers can recognize HPV infections at an early stage and initiate targeted measures.

How does an HPV test work?

An HPV test is usually carried out by a smear of cells from the cervix or the genitals by a trained gynecologist. With the help of the PlusLife Mini Dock, the sample is analyzed by amplified the viral DNA fragments isotherm. This method offers a high sensitivity and accuracy.

  1. Sampling: The doctor takes a small amount of cells using a smear.
  2. analysis: The genetic material is analyzed in the Mini Dock test device.
  3. Result: Within a short time there is a result in laboratory quality.

Why integrate HPV tests into your provision?

  • Early detection: HPV tests often recognize the virus before cell changes occur.
  • Effective prevention: Early diagnosis can often be avoided by serious diseases.
  • Calm: A negative test gives security that there is no acute risk.

Trust precise diagnostics with HPV tests

HPV tests are an indispensable part of modern precaution. With the Pluslife Mini Dock Poc-Nat test device we offer you a solution that is precise, fast and efficient. Discover our category Rapid test And invest in your health and security. An early test can save lives - trust in the latest technology and exact results Altruan.de.

Common questions & answers

What is an HPV test?

Why is an HPV test important?

How does the HPV test work with the Mini Dock Poc-Nat device?

Who should do an HPV test?

Can an HPV test be carried out without symptoms?