Simply. Fast. Individually
Your altruan box for your individual needs
Secure your legal right to nursing assistants in accordance with §40 SGB XI worth € 42. The AltruanBox includes a comprehensive service related to domestic care, care and nursing aids. In the first place man is. We attach great importance not only to relieve the person to be cared for, but also to relieve the relatives and to offer the greatest possible support.
Free care aids worth € 42 per month - altruanbox

Ausgezeichneter Service
Mit der AltruanBox erhalten Sie vollumfänglich Betreuung rund um das Thema Pflegehilfsmittel. Wir stehen Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung.

Individuell abgestimmt
Wir richten uns nach Ihnen. Passen Sie Ihre Pflegehilfsmittel an Ihre Bedürfnisse individuell an. Mit Premium-Artikel jeden Monat aufs Neue.

Schnell & Einfach
In nur 2 Schritten! Pflegehilfsmittel individuell zusammenstellen, Online-Antrag ausfüllen und unterschreiben. Monatlicher Versand zum gewünschten Termin.

100% assumption of costs
Your legal right to care aids worth over € 500 per year applies from the level of care 1. We assume all formalities for you.
1. What are nursing aids?
Nursing aids are devices and materials that should support ...
... easier care
... to alleviate the symptoms of people in need of care
... to lead a largely independent life
2. Can I choose the products myself?
The Altruan care engine can be put together individually with the nursing average, by you individually and on request, new, new every month.
3. Who is entitled to free care aids?
The long -term care insurance company pays the costs for nursing aids from all care people according to § 14 SGB XI, people with a recognized care degree 1 to 5 according to § 15 SGB XI and by people who are maintained in a home environment.
4. Who can apply for an altruan box?
The Altruan nursing assistant box can be applied for by all people in need of care with the level of care 1.
5. How does the online application work?
You will be led step by step through the online application via the AltruanBox page. After you have put together the nursing assistant box and have filled out the application online, we take over the rest and the billing with your care fund.
6. Who pays shipping? Do other costs arise?
No, there will never be any costs for you. We would be happy to advise you personally at +49 8724 28596 789