Altruan Ratgeber

Product information & interesting facts

Help in everyday life with Altruan products.

A good day begins with a good night - why sleep is so important to us.

In view of the global slave, you will find out everything about sleep in this article. Why does too little sleep of our health harm and...

Jun 19 2024
Post by Sophie Tham
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Tips for efficient and thorough bathroom cleaning

The bathroom is the place where we want to feel fresh and clean. But dirt, dust and lime often make our feel -good area thwart. So...

Jun 10 2024
Post by Isabel Löschner
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The perfect guide for your piercing aftercare: How do I properly care for my piercing?

  The perfect guide for your piercing aftercare: The joy of a new piercing is always great. To make sure that the joy remains, the right...

May 23 2024
Post by Sophie Tham
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The star in the barbecue season

Spring cleaning for grill and ovens   With the increasing temperatures in spring, it is time to get the grills out of hibernation and prepare for the...

May 23 2024
Post by Julia Pable
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Current topics, legal changes and much more!

Insektenstichheiler: Das Must-Have im Sommer

Wenn die Tage wärmer werden verbringen wir gewöhnlich mehr Zeit draußen in der Natur, sei es im Garten, am See oder beim Wandern. Leider locken die warmen Temperaturen...

Jul 23 2024
Post by Sophie Tham
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Tiefenmassage leicht gemacht: Moderne Techniken zur Linderung von Muskelverspannungen

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten nach einem anstrengenden Training oder einem langen Arbeitstag mühelos Muskelverspannungen lösen und Schmerzen lindern. Eine Massagegun macht genau das möglich...

Jul 19 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch
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Health guide: Living with diabetes - everything important about the disease

Prevalence and types of diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a widespread metabolic disease, which is characterized by chronically increased blood sugar levels. In Germany, around 7.5 million...

Jul 08 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch
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Help at the push of a button - with the help of emergency call systems safely through everyday life

In Germany, around 5.9 million people live in their household alone for over 65 years. This corresponds to about a third of this age group. This...

Jun 28 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch
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