Fighting smoothness: How to use road salt correctly
The best thing about the cold winter months is the snow -capped landscapes for many. But as beautiful as they can be, snow and cold quickly...
Digital detox: The way to conscious use of digital media
Digital media have become an integral part of our lives. Almost everyone is traveling in online forums every day, be it on social networks or on...
But don't forget to be lost: everything you need to know about Alzheimer's.
In view of the World Alzheimer Tag, this article should provide comprehensive information about this form of dementia. What are early signs of Alzheimer's disease and...
A good day begins with a good night - why sleep is so important to us.
In view of the global slave, you will find out everything about sleep in this article. Why does too little sleep of our health harm and...
Dementia care at home: What do I need to know as a relative?
The diagnosis of dementia is a new challenge for the person concerned and relatives. The following article gives an overview of the illness and important tips...