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Ein großer Karton mit der Aufschrift „Tork 121206 Standard-Papierwischtücher Universal M2 2-lagig | Karton (6 Rollen)“ von TORK – Essity Professional Hygiene Germany GmbH steht neben einer einzelnen weißen Papierrolle. Die Verpackung zeigt Produktdetails, zeigt eine Abbildung einer Rolle und hebt das zweilagige Design des Universal M2 für vielseitige Reinigungsanforderungen hervor.

Tork 121206 Standard paper towels Universal M2 2-layer | Cardboard (6 roles)

SKU: TO-121206

$68.67 $68.67

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $68.67 USD
Sales price $85.74 USD
Ausgestellt sind die Tork 120155 Standard Papierwischtücher Universal, erhältlich in einem Karton mit sechs M2 1-lagigen Rollen. Die Rollen sind ansprechend verpackt in einer weißen Verpackung mit blau-weißen Etiketten mit der Marke TORK von Essity Professional Hygiene Germany GmbH. Eine Rolle ist zur besseren Sichtbarkeit separat vorne platziert.
Paper towels

Tork 120155 Standard paper wiper Universal M2 1-layer | Cardboard (6 roles)

SKU: TO-120155

$67.39 $67.39

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $67.39 USD
Sales price $84.12 USD
Mehrere Rollen Tork Xpress® Starke Mehrzweck-Papierwischtücher mit Advanced 2-lagig-Textur sind sauber in zwei Reihen angeordnet und in Kunststoffverpackungen verpackt. Jede Rolle verfügt über ein blau-weißes Etikett mit Produktinformationen und Symbolen auf einem einfachen weißen Hintergrund.
Ausgestellt wird eine Packung mit sechs Tork Xpress® Starke Mehrzweck-Papierwischtücher Advanced 2-lagig-Rollen, jede mit einem blau-weißen Etikett mit Produktdetails. Verpackt in transparenter Kunststoffverpackung bieten diese Papiertücher von TORK – Essity Professional Hygiene Germany GmbH fortschrittliche 2-Lagen-Technologie für überragende Saugfähigkeit.
Paper towels

Tork XPress® strong multi-purpose paper wiper Advanced 2-layer

SKU: TO-101221

$82.26 $82.26

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price $82.26 USD
Sales price $102.71 USD

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Office supplies: indispensable helpers for everyday office life

A well -organized and efficient everyday office life requires the right office supplies. From paper and pins to technical devices and ergonomic furniture - the selection of office supplies is diverse and essential for a productive work environment. A well thought -out range of office supplies helps to optimize the work flow and increase the satisfaction of the employees.

Extended office supplies for efficient work

In addition to the classic materials, there are a variety of extended office supplies that are specially tailored to the needs of a modern workplace. These include:

  • Technical devices: Computers, printers, scanners and accessories such as keyboards and mice are essential for daily work.
  • Ergonomic furniture: Height -adjustable desks and ergonomic chairs contribute to the health and productivity of the employees.
  • Organization tools: File folders, storage baskets and drawer organizers help to keep documents and working materials clearly.
  • Communication means: Whiteboards, flipcharts and conference telephones support internal and external communication.

Indispensable everyday helpers in the office

  • Writing utensils: Pins, markers, markers and pencils are basic tools for notes, markings and writing documents.
  • Paper products: Copy paper, Notepads, adhesive notes and Envelope and Shipping bags are essential for daily paper needs.
  • Ordinary systems: File folders, storage baskets, hangers and drawer organizers help to keep documents and materials clearly.
  • Technical devices: Printer (with toner), Scanner, copier and computer accessories such as keyboards, mice and monitors and Batteries are indispensable for daily work
  • Office clamps and booklet: These little helpers stick together and ensure that documents are not lost.
  • Adhesive: Adhesive pencils, tesafilm and booklet are necessary to attach documents and materials.
  • Ergonomic aids: Height -adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs and wrist supports promote the health and well -being of the employees.
  • Communication means: Whiteboards, pin boards, flipcharts and conference telephones support internal and external communication.
  • Stationery: Lochers, tackers, scissors and letter openers are small but important aids in everyday office life.
  • Storage solutions: File cabinets, shelves and archive boxes help to keep the office organized and clean.

Cleaning and cleanliness:

In order to keep offices and the workplace clean, they are suitable Wiper For quick cleaning. It is suitable for the toilet at the workplace Toilet paper in large packs.

These everyday helpers are essential to make everyday office life efficient and smoothly. A well -equipped office contributes to the productivity and satisfaction of the employees.

Why high quality office needs is important

High quality office supplies contributes significantly to the efficiency and satisfaction of the employees. The investment in good material not only improves the quality of work, but also the work environment is more pleasant. This leads to higher productivity and an overall better working atmosphere.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a member of the office?

Why is high -quality office needs important?

Which technical devices are part of office supplies?

How do ergonomic furniture contribute to the work environment?



Copy paper

Folding towels